Tag Archives: gondwana split

Indian region moved to Australia when splitted 100 mln years ago

13 Feb

The present size and form of Indian Ocean came into being after parts of the Indian region shifted back to the Australian plates during Gondwana split more than 100 million years ago, a new research claimed.

An Australian scientist, Ana Gibbson who collaborated with Indian National Institute of Oceanography and Australian National university show that after the continental split, some Indian regions moved back to the Australian plate. Roughly the size of Tasmania, they remained sunk in the seafloor roughly 500-1000 kilometers from the western coast of Australia.

“It’s a bit like doing a really big 3D jigsaw puzzle,” she said. Using the magnetic data from the seafloor provided by the institutes, she has been able to reconstruct the movement of the tectonic plates.

Her findings are giving scientists new insights into the age and nature of Australia’s western margins. Ana attributed the success of the project to its international reach. She said, “being able to work with open-minded, enthusiastic professionals from all over the world has helped a lot. The study has been supported by Australia-India Strategic Research Fund, a statement said.

Source: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/indian-region-moved-to-australia-when-splitted-100-mln-years-ago/1073524/